
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Age of Martyrs

On this holy day when we remember the faithful departed in Purgatory and offer prayers for them, I'm sure many of us around the world are mourning the murder of fifty-two Catholics in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Deliverance, in Baghdad, Iraq.    Atrocities such as this bring it home in a very stark way that we are living in the greatest age of martyrdom in the history of the Church.  These Catholics, like many others in Iraq, including the bishop of Mosul a few years ago, like many around the world, were killed for one reason and one reason alone: they were Christians.  That amounts to martyrdom.  I have no doubt in the years to come the Church will open the Cause for the canonisation of many whom have died in the recent conflict, and the glorious company of the Martyrs of Iraq will grace the Calendar of the Church.  But for now, we pray for peace, for the bereaved, and for those who, in the name of religion, saw fit to kill our brothers and sisters because they refused to renounce Christ.

Most Holy Mother, Queen of Martyrs,
look upon your suffering children,
and obtain from your beloved Son for them
the grace to endure, to love, to trust,
to heroically proclaim their undying faith 
and to forgive those who persecute them.
Most Holy Mother Mary, Queen of Peace,
receive our martyred brothers and sisters into your arms
and give to those who mourn and those still suffering
the grace of peace.

There is one God, the Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
and one redeemer, JESUS CHRIST
the Incarnate Son of the Father
who was crucified for our sake,
rose from dead,
and now sits at the right hand of the Father.

May God be praised.

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